Thursday, August 23, 2007

the countdown

There's less than a week until Kirsten takes her medical boards. As you can see, she's been studying hard.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

how to build your own tent

Perhaps one day you will find yourself in the same situation as Niaz...on a camping trip without a tent. Based on his experience, here's what you'll need: two tarps, four PVC pipes, duct tape, rope and a blanket. Tape the PVC pipes together, support with ropes and connect the tarps in a triangle. Hang the blanket over the entrance for a Dances with Wolves effect. You've just built your own tent!

Now pray it doesn't rain.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happy birthday to me!

I turned 3^3 last weekend. To celebrate this momentous mathematical moment we went camping with friends Thor, Ewa and Niaz at Townshend State Park in Vermont. Highlights were swinging from ropes into the river, cooking a wilderness banquet and climbing the surprisingly un-bald Mount Baldy. Good times and great food were had by all!

I put pictures on flickr, here.