Tuesday, December 2, 2008

zoey meets her great-grandpa

This Thanksgiving the Marcus family escaped the Connecticut chill for sunny Florida.  Truly we live in a great world where 2.5 hours of flying brings us to sunshine and palm trees, if only for an extended weekend.

The centerpiece of the trip was the grand meeting between the oldest and youngest members of the Marcus family.  Zoey met her great-grandpa.

My grandpa (the famous author William Marcus) is 96 years old...going on 97.  To put it another way, he's 200 times older than Zoey!  Or another way...Zoey will be his age in the year 2105...no doubt as a cybernetic hybrid of ageless head and robot body.

It was very sweet to see the two of them together.  Zoey was in good spirits, having just recovered from a debilitating 104 degree fever.  Family and outdoors time really brightened her mood.

This was the first recorded gathering of four generations of Marcuses!

Zoey was also happy to show off her evolving skills to her grandparents.  Here she is demonstrating her upright-sitting and straw-playing abilities.

The trip was, alas, too short.  Farewell to family and sunshine.

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